lake eucha
June 21, 2022
The birds have been constantly chattering since arriving at Lake Eucha in Oklahoma.
The first oasis on my Great Plains journey to Oregon.
As I wound down the hillside to get to the lakeside, I could hardly believe my eyes at the sight of the trees and the bluff lines. You can’t help but notice the trees in places like this. A giant oak tree — sycamore— cedar—and maples. Day lilies blooming. Black birds with red wings. Blue heron calling. These are the vibrations in the land of the Cherokee Nation.
The water laps around the edge of the lake defining the space between water and land. The sun falls to the west and to the east a dark blue hue is slowly growing. There have been blue heron, egrets, and ducks all fishing— and the fishermen (though not many). It’s quiet here. I like it.
It’s hard to know exactly when this journey began as I stop to think about it. I went to see a friend of mine in Little Rock just before this and it seems like my trip started then. But, really, I suppose the journey is never-ending and that is what makes it a great story.