on the subject of free spirits

March 23, 2022

They call me a free spirit.

I’ve heard this many times from different people. It’s a label assigned to me.

I’ve heard it with a pang of jealousy. Other times it’s with a raised eyebrow. Sometimes its with admiration. Sometimes it’s someone seeing me on level.

It got me thinking recently — if you have identified me as free — then does that make you enslaved?

We are all free—that is what I believe.

Remember this — if you are to take any lesson from me.

I am a free spirit because I like to move outside the lanes of standard tradition.

I like to push myself to an edge of distinction so that others can feel the same comfort in their own motion.

I call it the space in-between.

A street kid observing.


tides moving in


a sight to behold