a festival for the stars

May 2, 2022

I rose before dawn to the rooster crowing from the top of a parked yellow school bus.

The sound of the birds, the wind in the trees, and all of us there seeing the sun rising. This was my first music festival where I went alone. It was humbling. It helped me to grow. Moving freely in all spaces. Playing soccer with kids. Eating pancakes with families. Drinking coffee. Picking up trash in the mornings. Observing. Singing. Dancing. Laughing. Tending the fire. Moving at my own slow, slow pace, barefoot, noticing everything.

I like to be in spaces where people gather to be free. It is exhilarating and motivates me. I love seeing the flow artists, the live paintings, and people dancing. So much art in one space. It is inspiring. My mind opens easily to the reality that life isn’t as scary as we make it out to be. This gives me freedom to write and be at ease in my thinking.

back to the forest
shades of green
watching the yellow sun

bare feet
meandering slowly
weaving together time

backwards and forwards
planets align
all of it
pure shine

dancing again
and again
a living tree
among the grateful dead


camping in the land of lincoln


garth brooks in fayetteville