bear lake
July 12, 2022
Have you ever jumped into an ice cold body of water?
It is such a feeling to get into a mountain lake or a creek flowing with snowmelt.
The experience makes you pause and come fully present inside of your body.
Do you know the feeling?
The first thing that may come to my mind is getting out of the water (or never getting in at all). But, feeling the cold water is good to sit with-- and I've found that once you've gotten the whole body beneath the water it is a lot easier to find ease in the moment. I think that is something to learn from.
I like getting into cold water for a few minutes at a time because it is a good practice for me to come to my breath and my mind when feeling discomfort. Overcoming the mind's resistance to cold water helps me when I am doing something that makes me afraid or nervous. I know that if I practice keeping my body in cold water then I will be able to practice maintaining my ease while paddleboarding, traveling solo, camping out in the woods at night, doing something new for work, or reacting to something unexpected.
Looking for a river or lake to jump in is one of my favorite ways to enjoy our earth's natural beauty. I think the experience connects me back to nature by bringing me fully present to what is around me. It's so difficult to think about anything else when you're asking your body to sit in the cold, but when you rise from the water, your mind feels a peace that is unlike any other.
What experience in nature brings you present? A sunrise? Feeling the rain? Walking through the woods? Or jumping in an alpine lake? It is good to discover many ways to bring yourself to the present. It's a feeling you can sit with and feel so much joy.