to be grateful
February 23, 2022
This icy ice day —
I went for a walk in the sleeting rain.
I noticed how the tree branches grew heavy. The ice on their limbs. The extra weight to carry. Bending without breaking until the absolute final moment.
It was silent, except for the birds. Cardinals. Black capped chickadees. The occasional gaggle of geese calling.
No cars on the road.
No sirens in the distance.
No sound of the pound of the tires hitting pavement at the 5:00 traffic jam.
Just the birds calling.
When your world is covered in ice. It’s a natural time to slow down and sit. Not to get heavy with what you might be missing— but to sit, be still, and take a moment to be grateful.
I’m sitting at a desk now. Coffee in reach. A candle burning. Electricity. Heat. Favorite snacks in the pantry. Walls surrounding me. Staying warm easily.
This icy day makes it easy to be content. To connect with what’s happening outside my door instead of the internet.
For this day, I am thankful. I am noticing what I have instead of thinking of what I want. I am experiencing that bliss of peace within.
Take a moment to sit still.
Be grateful.
Join me in this feeling.